
Each year we develop a training programme to help you get the most out of, and to help you feel comfortable in, your volunteer role.

Here’s our 2024 training programme – a mixture of presentations, briefings, visits and tours. The training programme has now finished but it gives a good idea of what we cover from year to year.

The training programme includes new topics as well as repeats of previous training sessions that volunteers find useful to attend to refresh their knowledge. All volunteers have to undergo induction and safeguarding training; no other training is obligatory but volunteers find that the sessions are really useful and we set out to make them interesting and entertaining!

In addition, there is on-the-job training where new volunteers in some roles will shadow another experienced volunteer until they feel confident enough to branch out on their own, and other roles have specific training.

In response to the ‘lockdown’ we set up a new e-learning platform so you can still continue to keep up to date with your training. Please visit the Bishop’s Palace E learning  site and then sign in using your own email and password of your choice.

There are four modules: 1. Safeguarding Refresher 2. History of The Bishop’s Palace  3. Wildlife at the Bishop’s Palace 4. Garden History

The Open University has 10,000+ free online courses (MOOCs) including the following topics:

“What is Heritage?”

“World Heritage” 

If you have any ideas for training, or feel that you have relevant knowledge which you would like to share, please let Siobhan know.


Please click on this link to find handouts from training sessions which don’t fit into other pages of the  website.