Gardener’s Corner: November 2024
November is most definitely a season of change. The natural cycle of setting seed and senescence is upon us, bringing with it all the beauty in the garden. Seed heads stand tall, leaves turn a chameleon of colours, and the garden’s structural elements reveal themselves once again. Each season brings a range of jobs that keep the garden team and our 25 (approx.) volunteers happy and well-occupied. I personally love gardening because, in addition to focusing on the present day (raking leaves and clearing weeds), we also plan ahead for the coming year as we prune, propagate, and sow.
In the Community Garden, it is wonderful to see the fruits of our labour, both in the beautiful veg and flowers (we’re still picking cut flowers to sell!) and in the positive spirit created by gardening together in this space. We are well into planning for next year – I’ve already sown hardy annuals and biennials for next year’s cut flower garden and am noting down my list of seeds to order for Christmas 2025! On the subject of Christmas, this is the time of year I feel grateful for our earlier efforts in planting and cutting flowers for drying. They’re all hung in sheds, toilets, and offices around the site, ready for this year’s Christmas at the Palace decorations. I really love how our inspiration each year is driven by the garden, and I hope you enjoy the results.
The Garden Team and I are here to answer any questions you may have about the gardens. We can’t wait to welcome you throughout November!
Jo Stevenson, Community Gardener