Corporate Partnerships with The Bishop’s Palace and Gardens, Wells

Explore corporate partnerships with The Bishop’s Palace and Gardens and your business will benefit from:

  • The association of supporting The Palace Trust, a registered charity, to maintain the beautiful site now and for the benefit of generations to come
  • Corporate social responsibility – you’ll be supporting the Palace’s strategy to offer free entry to local community groups supporting disadvantaged neighbours from the local area
  • Brand recognition – being recognised as a corporate partner by the Palace’s active and loyal audience across marketing and communications activity
  • Valued employee packages that support the wellbeing of your staff

Why do we offer corporate partnerships opportunities?

The Bishop’s Palace is operated by The Palace Trust which is a registered charity.

The Palace Trust gets no statutory funding and is supported entirely by grants from organisations like the national lottery and charitable trusts, by visitor income and by donations but this doesn’t cover the entire cost of everyday maintenance. So working with our corporate partners is also very welcome.

Associating your brand with a well respected and highly visible partner

The Bishop’s Palace and Gardens attracts over 500k visitors to the site each year and is regarded as a high-quality destination and events venue.

That’s complemented by approximately 260k annual visitors to the Palace’s website.

The Palace achieves consistently high reviews from our visitors and has won numerous industry awards, including the gold award with Visit England and Tripadvisor Certificate of Excellence.

Research tells us that our core markets are ABC1 55+ who appreciate events & festivals, beautiful gardens with year-round interest, heritage and peace. As well as families with young children who are looking for an educational and fun experience.  They tend to live within one hour’s drivetime from the Palace site.

So working with us means you’ll be associating your business with a highly valued and well regarded local partner and your message will reach a significant number of people who are very engaged with our brand.

The Options

Option 1: Corporate Membership

As an employer, you’ll know that offering employee benefits packages help to:

  • engage and motivate your staff
  • improve workplace morale
  • reduce stress and associated staff absence
  • boost productivity
  • reduce staff turnover
  • and recruit new staff when the need arises

Imagine if you could offer this type of benefit to your employees whilst also supporting a local charity, helping local community groups and demonstrating your company’s values and ethos.

The eight-hundred-year-old palace sits amongst fourteen acres of stunning RHS partner gardens that are made up of picturesque, English garden style and contemporary gardens and is a place of beauty, reflection and enjoyment your staff will value.

The Palace’s Community Garden also draws in a range of different user groups such as people with mental health issues and community groups such as local schools.

A Corporate Membership with The Bishop’s Palace is a simple way for your employees to enjoy all these benefits in one simple package with maximum enjoyment for your staff and minimal admin for you.

The Package Includes

  • Unlimited entrance to the breath-taking medieval Palace and 14 acres of RHS partner gardens
  • This includes to many events including family activities and craft workshops; themed days (such as the enormously popular medieval falconry days and new civil war weekend); exhibitions and garden events
  • Priority booking for the most popular event of the year (which typically sells out within days of going on sale) Father and Mother Christmas at the Palace
  • An exclusive invitation to a unique behind-the-scenes open day at the Palace each December, only available to Corporate Members, which includes private tour, talk and lunch with members of the senior management and conservation team.
  • And access to the peace, beauty and reflection the Palace provides to all of our visitors.

Tailored For You

The Palace’s Corporate Membership packages are tailored to suit your individual business requirements, so whether your organisation has 5 or 500 employees talk to us about how Corporate Membership to the Bishops Palace could fit your organisation.

Option 2: Sponsorship

The Palace also hosts a full programme of events and activities throughout the year which attract a huge number of different people and publicity.

Two Corporate Sponsorship opportunities are available for our hugely popular 2023 flagship events:

  • The Christmas Artisan Market and
  • Christmas at the Palace

As well as the opportunity to sponsor some great horticultural and conservation projects we have planned for this year.

Corporate Partnerships: The Next Steps

Call us on 01749 988111 or our Chief Executive – Merryn Kidd – would be delighted to answer your questions about any of our Corporate Partnership opportunities via email at [email protected]

We look forward to hearing from you and to welcoming you The Bishops Palace and Gardens.