This is the place to enjoy the scent of roses and appreciate the huge diversity of hardy perennials flowering from summer and well into the Autumn.

Here you can find the parterre which still has at its centre the original urn dating from the former parterre laid out in the mid-1800s; the ‘hot border’ is a riot of vibrant colours and is structured with tall, bright Crocosmia lucifer, Achillea ‘Cloth of Gold’ at the back, separated with blue Echinops and Helianthus ‘Lemon Queen’ that flower into September. There are also Irish Yews planted in memory of the twelve ‘Apostle Yews’ which stood sentinel in the 19th century parterre.  The dahlia beds feature the wonderful Bishop Dahlias.

In 2019 a new knot garden was created under the oriel window.  The knot garden  loosely reflects a planting style of the 17th Century, and the portcullis crest in the oriel window next to it. The grasses planted within would not have been used years ago, but include the exciting contrast of Festuca glauca ‘Intense Blue’ and libertia (golden grass), as well as traditional and medicinal plants like sage, lavender and santolina.

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