The Arboretum was designed by Sir Harold Hillier for Bishop Bickersteth and created in 1977 in commemoration of HM the Queen’s 25th Jubilee. It replaced part of the old kitchen gardens. There are many fine trees here including the highly scented, weeping, silver lime (Tilia Petiolaris), a foxglove tree (Paulownia Tomentosa), the hop hornbeam (Ostrya Carpinofolia) and Persian Ironwood (Perrotia Persica)  Since 2004 the Arboretum has been managed for wildlife and the development of wild flowers. From early February, there is a succession of snowdrops, primroses, bluebells, violets, cow parsley and many more wild flowers including Bee and Pyramid orchids.

This is a lovely place for children and adults to explore, picnic and play in – and the  “Dragon’s Lair” is an interactive play space for primary and pre-primary aged children within these Gardens in Somerset.

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